Sunday, August 7, 2016

Microsoft s Qi Lu ice doing the right things

Lei feng's network (search for "Lei feng's network" public attention): author of Qi Lu, Executive Vice President of Microsoft, written on Microsoft Microsoft released fourth-generation artificial intelligence after the small ice.

Microsoft's Qi Lu:

In the field of artificial intelligence, Microsoft is not a recruit. In the past 20 years, Microsoft continues to invest in the field of artificial intelligence, has accumulated a large number of patents and technologies. At present, has finally come to our accumulation of these research and development into products and services.

| In artificial intelligence: the third man and the world

Through the last two or three years Microsoft Small ice and Cortana's product development and operations, we have reason to believe, artificial intelligence will be the next 10 global technology and innovation of the Internet industry growth, and meaningful is that artificial intelligence will become the third man and the world, and become a new bridge to connect people with the world.

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--Dialogue is the basis of the revolution, that is able to make all kinds of knowledge, information and service on which you are running, and formed the basis of eco-environmental platform. But at this point, Microsoft may have done some things right.

Artificial intelligence has this "dialogue", are almost all researchers in related fields of dreams. Includes Microsoft, Google, Facebook, big companies such as IBM and Baidu, have invested heavily in this area. In Silicon Valley and in Beijing, there are at least hundreds of entrepreneurial team in building a similar service, and dialogue systems, trying to capture one or more users live and work.

Among them, we can see some industry where many different attempts, but inevitable given the "dialogues" of too many functions and meanings.

It reminds me of Microsoft's interesting exploration of the small icy body. Last November, the small ice platform officially arrived beauty. But today, there are still a large number of American users don't believe that ice is an artificially intelligent robot, little ice release video of each of us can get on average more than 1.2 million plays and 20,000 bullets. Since its release in 2014, little ice has more than 42 million users, cumulative amount of dialogue over 20 billion. This is a huge success. First heard ice teams reported to me that the figures, I and many colleagues in Redmond said I can't believe it. Even compared with a base of more than 700 million Internet users in China, which was a huge success.

| Microsoft ice does two things

First half of the year is also a United States media likened the small ice "biggest in the history of science and technology of the Turing test". This has caused me and many of my colleagues think. What has Microsoft done? With the deepening of globalization strategy of small ice, what have been the experiences can be replicated?

Through the discussions for several months with small ice team, we feel that the small ice does two things:

Affective computing framework: Microsoft has put forward two years ago of affective computing framework. First, we believe that the framework plays an essential role in the development of artificial intelligence, all products of artificial intelligence, not just ice, should be taken into account in addition to IQ, introducing the new dimension of EQ. Later, as the deepening, we find that "emotions can affect people's decision" about it, almost penetrates every aspect of our lives and works today. Whether you're shopping in a business App, and interact in a social networking platform, are no longer merely function, but rather to reflect temperature, reflects the EQ characteristics of this dimension of the powerful, the better performance of the platform. Therefore, we believe that there will be more and more product and technology research and development, as a basic framework of affective computing, as a basic dimension of EQ+IQ.

Common dialog system of artificial intelligence: a small ice set up a common dialog system can self-evolution of artificial intelligence. This system is like the era of the long tail of search engine user experience, no matter what problems the user throws, Kimi was able to answer and to carry on the conversation. Now, after three years of development, small ice has achieved the initial assumption of "just me". With small ice, many friends of business focus from the outset to conquer a niche, but over a period of time, they often find that, in the face of users a diverse range of needs and problems, what they lack is ice the common dialog system. This system is the Foundation of Microsoft's strategy of artificial intelligence, is a crucial step.

In fact, small ice even though there was a "little" words, but within Microsoft technology and product lines, such as Windows, 10 Office 365, Hololens, and little ice has a variety of Association and cooperation. We have accumulated over the past more than 20 years, in artificial intelligence, search engine and data aspects of technical reserves, are also on the small ice body. So why we attach such importance to this dialogue robot? Because Microsoft believes that "dialogue platform" whose time has come.

| The third era: dialogue platforms

In the history of information technology, the real sense of the times, there have been twice. Each is accompanied by an interactive revolution. The first time was when the rise of personal computers, graphical user interface the interface for user interaction. Agents represented by the Microsoft of that era. The second time, when the rise of the Internet, people began to connect with the world through a search engine and browser. Google became the second representative of the times.

Microsoft believes that today's development of the mobile Internet and cloud, was only the third time in its infancy, but this new era of transition. Real's third major era, was the age of artificial intelligence. And the core of its revolution, was "dialogue platform" is emerging. We call it Conversations as a Platform (CaaP). In fact, the dialogue at the core of this new era, after the master data, user connections, and technical conditions, more like a regression.

Why we define it as a regression? In fact, if you have the impression, as early as the PC popularization and the rise of search engines, they don't like this using a keyboard and mouse, and the machine dialogue, use keywords to search in the search box. First experience was directly talking to computers, search engines to complete the dialogue. Just because the technology does not have the conditions that make people have to learn to use a machine to understand input and use keywords to find what you need. Dialogue is the most natural form of interaction from start to finish, only that it does not have the condition.

Today, we finally have our dialog platform conditions.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently said that 5-10 years in the future, artificial intelligence than humans are better at doing some of the most basic tasks, such as special missions, voice recognition, image classification, as well as games. Seems he thinks artificial intelligence breakthroughs in some of the areas of expertise of the expert system. We believe that when AI is no longer seen as the quotation marks and bold emphasis on concepts, and becomes as light bulbs, washing machines, computers, phones, commonplace things in daily work and life, this marks the popularity of artificial intelligence.

Finally, for general artificial intelligence and the relationship between people, we also have done some thinking. Current CEO of Bill Gates and Satya had have special views, here, refers to Satya recent views, as a conclusion:

We will be using more technology, artificial intelligence to help people's work and life, including emotions.

Meanwhile, we have planned to organize more shared activities, make our technologies and products more transparent, it also facilitates members to more easily understand the operating principle of small ice. Jeremy Scott iPad Mini Case

We will further leverage our technology to make artificial intelligence in a more neutral position, will not be about data bias of the Internet.

We will also continue to develop the framework of affective computing.

Lei Feng network Note: please contact the authorized and keep the source and author, no deletion of content. Jeremy Scott iPad Mini Case

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