Sunday, May 15, 2016

Everyone is talking about VR GPU manufacturers to do what

On Wednesday (January 13), several waves of technology journalist to arrive in a hotel room near the international trade, the Oculus Rift and experience the latest HTC Vive equipment. Event organizers are not the companies, but a graphics chip maker Nvidia. People familiar with VR knows that this epoch-making technology, demand for graphics computing power has been an order of magnitude. At the upper reaches of the chain of the graphics chip maker, on the VR technology to do what? Ted Baker phone cover

First of all, according to the data provided by Nvidia, "immersive VR experience on performance requirements are the General Gaming PC 7 with. "PC game 1080p 30FPS refresh rate and resolution for technical data, while the VR game's actual rendering resolution 1512x1680x2, refresh rate to arrive at 90FPS, will provide a good experience. Otherwise, cannot be guaranteed when moving picture sharpness and picture detail. Secondly, immersive VR experience delay time must be guaranteed, the user head movement to see the feedback time, should less than 20ms. Otherwise, the human brain can occur due to inability to calculate disorders, symptoms are dizziness, lightheadedness, dizziness.

Nvidia Gameworks VR development platform, offers 5 types of graphics rendering technology, namely: Multi-res shading (Multiresolution color), VR SLI (graphics rendering), Context priority (priority context), Direct mode (direct mode) and the Front buffer rendering (buffer before rendering). Next, let me under the science in simple language, and by the time the next time you're talking about VR, but also seems to understand better.

Ted Baker phone cover

Multi-res shading

The basic principle of this technology is that optical distortion of the graphics rendering and VR helmets together. VR helmet close to the eye, so lens is needed to help the user focus. Because there are lenses, can cause picture distortion, so the picture needs to be compensated.

Distortion compensation of image information required, screen less than that GPU rendering (part lens optical losses, while the human eye to see more clearly the vision Center than at the edges). So the GPU essentially did a lot of wasted effort. Multi-res shading you want to do is, every frame of the screen into multiple parts, retaining more detail and edge retention in less detail. Another way is to compress images, so as to enhance the rendering speed. Ted Baker phone cover


Graphics rendering technology principle is very simple, is to support two GPU rendering at left and right eye images.

Context Priority

Context priority is not very well understood. For example, if you turn too fast, new pictures have not rendered, or there is a location picture before, it will cause discomfort. How to solve this problem? Technical experts think a way to artificially insert a frame placeholder that is calculated according to the location. GPU need a separate thread to do the work, and stronger before the next frame appears, thereby reducing the picture delay (or jitter caused by frame).

Direct mode

Direct mode requires Windows operating system support. What it means is that when the VR helmet is connected to your computer before, the computer will not recognize it as an extension monitor and Direct mode can let the computer recognize the VR helmet into a new special display device. The benefits below.

Front buffer rendering

Principle related to direct mode is buffer before rendering. If your computer as normal VR helmet display case, you need to be using a standard two-level buffering mode rendering; identify a VR helmet, you can cross the Back Buffer directly to the Front Buffer, reducing delays.

Another similar programme called LiquidVR GPU maker AMD, also has the technical, but in the high-end GPU market share in recent years leading Nvidia. 

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